
McLaren SUV Confirmed as a Plug-In Hybrid HPEV

McLaren SUV Confirmed as a Plug-In Hybrid HPEV
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The McLaren SUV is a significant shift for a company traditionally known for its high-performance supercars. CEO Michael Leiters has confirmed the company’s interest in collaborating with another automaker to create a “shared performance” SUV model, leveraging one of McLaren’s existing plug-in powertrains. This new vehicle, dubbed the McLaren SUV, is expected to be priced similarly to luxury competitors like the Ferrari Purosangue and Rolls-Royce Cullinan, around $400,000.

A Shift in Strategy

Former CEO Mike Flewitt had previously declared in 2019 that McLaren would never build an SUV. However, following his departure, McLaren has faced several existential challenges that have reshaped its strategic direction. Michael Leiters, the current CEO, has hinted at plans to build an SUV-like vehicle, but with a twist—it will be a plug-in hybrid.

In a recent discussion at McLaren’s headquarters in Woking, England, Leiters described a “shared performance vehicle” that, while not explicitly labeled an SUV, clearly aligns with the luxury SUV segment. This new McLaren SUV aims to expand McLaren’s lineup beyond its current offerings, providing more space and practicality.

Design and Collaboration

The envisioned McLaren SUV will not be built on McLaren’s existing carbon-fiber supercar architecture. Instead, it will require a platform from a larger automaker. Leiters emphasized the importance of a technology partnership, stating, “The smart way is with technology partnership, to find a partner and create synergies.”

Earlier this year, the Bahrain sovereign wealth fund, Mumtalakat, acquired full ownership of McLaren, simplifying the company’s ownership structure and potentially facilitating partnerships. McLaren has been in discussions with several automakers, including BMW, Geely, Hyundai, and Lucid, with BMW being a prime candidate due to its suitable platforms, as evidenced by the BMW XM.

McLaren SUV Concept Rendering
McLaren SUV Concept Rendering

Powertrain and Production

Leiters expressed a preference for using McLaren’s own powertrains in the new model. The likely candidates are the V-6 PHEV from the McLaren Artura or the more powerful V-8 PHEV under development for the 750S replacement. “If we do a PHEV, we want to understand if we can use our own powertrain,” Leiters said, highlighting the ideal scenario of integrating McLaren’s powertrain into an existing platform.

Production of the new McLaren SUV will likely be handled by the partner automaker due to the complexities and costs associated with integrating it into McLaren’s existing production facilities. Despite this, the new model will maintain McLaren’s commitment to lightweight construction and cutting-edge technology, potentially incorporating advanced materials to minimize weight.

Market Positioning

Leiters aims to position the new McLaren SUV towards the top end of the luxury segment, competing with the likes of Ferrari and Rolls-Royce. He envisions aggressive pricing similar to the Ferrari Purosangue and Rolls-Royce Cullinan, targeting around $400,000. This approach contrasts with Lamborghini and Aston Martin, who have focused on higher volumes with less aggressive pricing.

Looking Ahead

Even if a partnership agreement is reached soon, the new plug-in hybrid McLaren SUV will take several years to develop and launch. This timeline poses challenges, especially in regions moving towards early bans on combustion-engine vehicles. However, if successful, this venture would represent a significant shift for McLaren, expanding its brand into new territory and demonstrating its adaptability in the evolving automotive market.